
Sunday, October 10, 2010

Mirror collections....

I've started collecting vintage mirrors and have them lined up along the wall until I decide where to hang them. I like the old crochet clothes hangers and found a nice batch at a sale. The cake/pie carries were just sort of an accident...I bought one and liked it so well so I bought another. I think I'll keep an eye open for a third....maybe more if I find something that catches my eye.

This just happened to be sitting like this on the floor until I find a place for everything...I thought it looked good just as it is for a photo!

I'm linking with Beyond the Garden Gate Visit her blog and join in on the fun!

Thanks Tete!


  1. Welcome to the party! Love, love, love your collections!
    The mirrors are wonderful! I love them.
    Don't you just wonder about the lady who took the time to cover her hangers?
    I often look at pieces and picture busy hands working to make her little world more special.
    The cake carriers are a great way to hide things! And they look so cool.
    I know you will find a third and maybe even a fourth before long!
    Thanks for taking part and bringing some more fun to the blog party!
    Hope to see you next time, too!
    Hugs- Tete

  2. You've got several great collections there-somewhere I saw a wall with these kind of mirrors. I've got a couple of those pie/cake carriers-they're neat, but I never kind figure out what to do with them! You've got some goodies!

  3. Hello Faye....isn't Tete's party fun to link to? She's a sweetie, and so is Rebecca.
    I LOVE your mirrors!! my living room wall is full of them. The pie crust edges are the BEST!!!!
    I like your "floor" vignette...cute.

  4. Hi Faye...I have older posts about the is titled...House of Mirrors...I have other pics of the mirrors on the mantle, but I'll have to look them up for you.
    Try August, or July postings.
    Thank you for asking.

  5. June...Mirror, mirror on the wall.
    July or August...House of mirrors.
    Thank you dearie.

  6. Love Your Mirrors & Thanks to Debbie in her comment above, I learned the the Trim Pie Crust Edge, never knew that... I sure would love to find a Cake Carry or 2 like those.... The only ones I have found have been in Antique Stores & Way to Pricey~
    Thanks for Sharing, make sure when You Hang & Place all your Gems, to post about it...

  7. Hi Faye,
    Nice blog. You have a very nice collection of the vintage mirrors. I saw you have a lot of other cool collections as i scrolled down the page. I will follow you ♫♪♫ :)

  8. I love the vintage mirrors! I have been wanting to start a collection of those for a while now! The cake carriers are so pretty, too!


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