
Saturday, November 13, 2010

A little bit of heavy wet snow!

This is what we woke up to this morning! I guess it's that time of year and there is no stopping it. Everyone loves the first snowfall. This was a heavy and very wet snow.
Every time we get our first snowfall I grab my camera and warm clothes and I trudge through the snow and take pictures.

This is our driveway, somewhere under all that wet stuff...It was so wet that most of the trees are bending and many of the tops of the pine trees snapped off....

Further down the driveway in the pines....a little water on the lens as now it was starting to rain...
The 1931 Model A 'lawn ornament'.....

The old 1938 Chevy 'lawn ornament'....
Yes, I love all junk and even these old cars and trucks look cool to me.

And it's still snowing out there, they are saying we'll get 10 inches of the white stuff.

Added later.....For those of you who are asking where this is....This is Minne-SNOW-ta!
You bet'cha, we are always prepared for anything that has to do with SNOW! Eh?


  1. I love a wet, clingy looks so, I don't know, peaceful.
    The kind of day that makes you feel like baking cookies and having the first snowball fight.
    Your pines are gorgeous! Ilove the old cars and all their rust. Rust is my favorite color.
    Thanks for sharing! Tete

  2. Thanks for taking the shots and sharing! the wet snow that fits like a thick blanket

  3. The snow is beautiful, but I haven't even raked leaves yet! Enjoy:@)

  4. Oh my goodness! Where ever do you live to get 10 inches of snow. Our first snowfall usually consists of a flake here and there. I'm not ready for this at all, but you sound very prepared, so I'm assuming you live in a part of the country where this isn't that unusual. Your pictures are beautiful!

  5. Wow! I can't believe you have snow already. Where do you live??? I can hardly think of Christmas, let alone SNOW.

    Thanks so much for linking to Seasonal Sundays!

    - The Tablescaper

  6. I love those old cars!
    We got snow here, in NW ONtario, as well...not as much as you, though.
    It's such a lovely white blanket, covers all the drekk...makes it all magical.

  7. Better you than Buffalo, NY! We get is pretty isn't it!!!!!


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