
Sunday, February 20, 2011

In a Blizzard....again

Just when we finally lost some of the snow cover, here comes another snow storm.
They say a foot or more. It's been snowing since 10 this morning.
A good day to stay home and get a lot of unfinished projects completed.

This was something I've seen on blogs and wanted to try and since I'm stuck inside all day this gives me a chance to see how it works.

A few of my favorite things from my earlier blog posts.

It's easy to do, it just takes time. If you want to give this a try go here to make a mosaic.

I know I'll be making more of these!


  1. Oh Faye, I'm so sorry you are getting more snow! It's 62 here and we are supposed to have thunderstorms!
    All of our ice and snow are gone- and I know we will probably get more before it's over for good, but it's so nice to see the green grass and hear the birds sing. Hope you have that soon, too.
    Hugs - Tete

  2. Sorry to hear winter isn't over, yet... We are in for a roller coaster weather week in North Carolina. Seventy tomorrow then up and down, I think the high the next day 40. I love your mosaic, thank you for sharing, where you made it~
    Gorgeous, so much inspiration in your photos~

  3. What a pretty mosaic! Every picture is so feminine and pretty!
    Have a wonderful week!

  4. Your mosaic is so pretty and you inspired me to try it for the first time. Now I'm going to try to use it for my blog banner.

  5. Thank you, Faye! I wish I knew how to enlarge some of the text on my blog and a lot of other things. Thanks for inspiring me to play around with it today. I'll use you for my excuse, when my sweetie comes home to no supper ready!! I've really been enjoying your blog...I'm going to try some of those rick-rack roses soon.

  6. Thank you for your help and thanks for following me!
    P.S.~I pulled off a quick supper, just in time!!

  7. Thanks for the tip. Beautiful. I usually make mine in Picasa but this has different sizes.

  8. Hi Faye! I can see why those are some of your favorite things! I love all those things, too! My favorites are the bluebird dishes and the architectural piece!


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