
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Vintage Family Photograph Books

I went down the basement a little while ago to soak a few old pieces of lace and just happened to put something away near the shelf that holds my husbands family's old photo albums.

I haven't looked at them in ages and as I was digging through things it occurred to me I should show some of these neat old books that are hiding in the basement.

One book is a little rough around the edges...Some people are related to my husband and some are friends of the family at that time.

My husbands great grandfather homesteaded here in 1858. We still have a small piece of the land...the oak trees that they did not grub out for farming because there were too many little ponds...more like mud puddles.

The young girl in the upper left is Mary G., the teacher and traveller...Check out this post and see her trunk that I went through last summer and posted about. If you have the time, it's pretty interesting, it was like opening a time capsule. I need to post more about her...I have her old black button up shoes and several other neat things.

Do you suppose they placed that tissue there to cover her stern face!
I lifted it up and went...whoa! I hope she's not a relative!!!

Pretty fancy lady! I'd like to know what and why...and who?

Check out that beard (on the right)...

This larger photo book is a beauty, a mirror surround with red velvet...

All 3 books are full of photos but I don't want to turn this post into a super long one and bore you with a ton of old pictures!

There were several bank books and receipt books from farming in the late 1800's and very early 1900's that I didn't bother to photograph but I liked the look of this old farm ledger

Thanks for taking a look...

Linking to;

Faded Charm for White Wednesday

Savvy Southern Charm for Wow Us Wednesdays

The Charm of Home for Home Sweet Home

Romantic Home for Show and Tell Friday

Common Ground for Inspiration Friday

French Country for feathered Nest Friday


  1. Now that's what I call a FIND! Wonderful!!

  2. What an amazing heirloom from your husbands family.
    I have one that was my dad's granddad. Such treasures. Thanks for sharing your.......

    The French Hutch

  3. What fabulous Family Treasures.... Love those old books~

  4. Love your photo albums, especially one with heart on top

    barbara jean

  5. You are so lucky to have such wonderful family heirlooms. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Those are fabulous! What great family treasures. I am particularly drawn to the red velvet one. Gorgeous! Happy White Wednesday!

    Waving from Our Back Porch,

  7. Very fancy and pretty old books. I just love looking at vintage photos and wondering what their stories were.

  8. Wow! Those are amazing, you are really lucky to have them, Celeste,The Victorian Tailor

  9. I too cherish my old family photo albums. I just wish I knew who all the folks were.

  10. What a treasure trove you have with these old family photos. Don't you wish you knew the story about each and every one of them?
    Love your blog...I'm a new follower.

  11. What treasures! Thanks for sharing them. I think you should take them out of the basement and display them *winks* Vanna

  12. Lovely vintage treasures; I love the oval pictures.

  13. Wow! how neat! I would definately keep them out and display them.
    So much history there.
    Enjoy your weekend.

  14. There is nothing like old family pictures and yours are really old.

    That old LEDGER book is fabulous

    I had to buy mine at a flea market and yours is family

  15. Fabulous photo albums Faye! And that journal...I would love to have one like that!! I have been looking but to no avail so far. One day...

    Hope all is well with you gal, and that your Saturday will be a good one!!

    Hugs n joy!

  16. These are in such beautiful condition, I don't have any family ones, so you're so fortunate to have them. Thanks for sharing this post at VIF, I'll go check out your other post on the trunk. sounds amazing! xo Debra

  17. How beautiful your family albums are. I love the red one with the heart. Thanks for linking it up!


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