
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

My $1 Wicker Basket....

I hope everyone is having a wonderful week!
The NW wind came through last night and sure has made it feel like fall in Minnesota!

I'm back home and still waiting for Mr. Wild to take my chippy door out of the trailer so I can put it in it's new place...maybe tomorrow....this weekend????

But while we were in Wyoming, one of the yard sales I stopped at had this pretty white basket for $1. 
Just exactly what I had been looking for and there is was in this terribly dirty place yet it's clean and in great shape...I still think that's odd.
Anyway, I picked up a large bag of crochet (this isn't it) that was market $2. 
I didn't look inside until I got back to the "Dirt Ranch" as we jokingly call it.

I'm saving that big surprise for next week!!!!

 I tossed in some of my crochet doilies and a little bit of bling....until I find a place for this pretty basket.

Thursday morning I'm heading out to Junk Bonanza.
I'm going to look....not least I'm going to try really hard to behave myself! 
I hope to see some of you there....

Update Thursday Sept 15....I went and I had a blast!!!! I bought more cool stuff that I'll post this weekend. The place was packed, even more than last year.  I was pretty good and didn't buy too much, but people were buying and hauling out stuff like crazy!

Thanks for stopping by!!!
Joining up with these fabulous parties....
Faded Charm for White Wednesday
Savvy Southern Style for Wow Us Wednesday
2805 for Potpourri Friday
Common Ground for Vintage Inspiration Friday
French Country Cottage for Feathered Nest Friday
My Romantic Home for Show and Tell Friday
The Charm of Home for Home Sweet Home


  1. Hey Faye,

    Take lots of photos at Junk Bonanza so you can share with us unfortunate souls who can not go...please!

  2. Well, that basket was meant to come with you and it looks fun. Can't wait to see your baggy of goodies.
    You behave? Come on, just don't forget to post about it!

  3. I could use a basket like that too! i love your piles of lace in it. Nice score!

  4. So pretty! The lovely basket and the sweet treasures filling it!

    So nice stopping by to visit with you!

    Kindly, Lorraine

  5. That's a great idea to display the crocheted items in your basket. Looks so pretty together.

  6. That basket is so cute and your lace looks perfect in it, I can't wait to see your new bought lace, I hope they are as pretty as these ones.

  7. Love the basket and bling!
    I've been trying my hand at making old baskets look vintage from the tutes on blogs...wish me luck!

  8. The basket even looks prettier with the doilies in it.

  9. The crochet items are gorgeous and look wonderful in the basket! Was the necklace in your $2 sack of doilies? I can't wait to see the big surprise! Your photography is gorgeou!

    Thank you for linking to Potpourri Friday. You are and asset to the party's success and I appreciate you!

  10. Love the crochet pieces, and the wonderful bling, hope you have fun this weekend, thanks for linking up for VIF, xo Debra

  11. nice score on the basket. They are so versitile. Have fun on your next adventure.


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