
Friday, January 6, 2012

Yee Haw! Back Online!!!!

I'm back!!!
I just installed my new internet service and I am one happy camper!
Just looked at my Pinterest and saw this pretty bird called a Blue Fairy Wren (Australia) that made me smile and decided I'd use this pretty picture for a post.

This new service is unlimited!!!! 
What is that? My old service gave me so little time for so much more $$$.
I called Mr. Wild at work and told him don't be surprised if I'm still online when you get home tonight.
This could also become very dangerous...will I ever get anything productive done!!!! 
It will be fun at first but I hope I can control myself!
Anyway...what fun it's going to be to spend more time on your blogs for a change!

See you soon!


  1. Pretty blue bird...I'm staying away from the "pin" thing...I already spend ALOT of much time just catching up with my blogging friends:)
    Deb :)

  2. It is dangerous but oh, so exciting!!!! Have fun!

  3. We do not have a limit on ours- can't imagine having one. LOL
    You are going to be in so much trouble now- make sure you plan some sleep time in there and a meal or two.
    You are going to be like a kid in a candy shop. LOL

  4. Yeah! Glad to see you are back in business. I would be in big trouble if we had a limit here.

  5. Oh my gosh, I just found you via pinterest - LOVE your blog/taste!

  6. Hard to believe such a bright bird is real! I do enjoy our indigo buntings & bluebirds in spring & summer. So pretty.


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