
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Old Beat Up Zenith Wringer Washer

An old Zenith wringer washer we picked up on a ranch in South Dakota to add to my 'collection' of wringer washers. This one will definitely become a planter.

I just love old wringer washers planted with geraniums, petunias and trailing plants...this will make a great planter! And it best of was Free! (It better that condition!)

Love the rust!

Thanks for stopping by!!!
Linking to:
 Faded Charm for White Wednesday
Common Ground for Vintage Inspiration Friday
The Charm of Home for Home Sweet Home
French Country Cottage for Feathered nest Friday


  1. That will look beautiful filled with flowers!! Years ago, I saw toilets being used as planters in a New Mexico front yard. I guess they were the sort of folks who wanted to repurpose everything.

  2. What a great Found Treasure... and was it sitting out in that fabulous Field just like that when you discovered it? Postcard perfect image that is!!!

    Dawn... The Bohemian

  3. Faye,
    Great find! Love your photos with the field. Picture perfect!

  4. Ho! what a beautiful antiques I do remember how wringer washer.
    I do remember how wringer washer and put rubber diapers through that wringer diapers and explodes and I ruined a couple of shirts
    Did you ever get anything caught in a wringer?or ruined a couple of shirts?

  5. I have used one of those, but thankfully if wasn't for long. They did wash good.
    They make really cute planters.

  6. So Cool, love the way you photograph things, Celeste, The Victorian Tailor

  7. Such romantic photography! I feel so inspired. Thanks so much for sharing.

  8. No way! What a great idea.
    It is so much fun looking at all the ideas people in blog land come up with for planters, gives me much inspiration.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Have a great holiday weekend.

  9. Oh, these are so neat. There used to be one in an old farmhouse I played in as a child. Great idea for a planter!
    Thanks for joining HSH!

  10. Wow, this brings back memories, I used to watch my grandmother use one just like this! thanks for linking up!! xo Debra

  11. It is super charming!! I love old rusty pieces too!! Thanks for sharing at FNF!:)


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