
Saturday, August 20, 2011

Wild Wild West...Wyoming!

This is my first post with Funky Junk Interiors Saturday Night Special! I accidentally discovered the Barn/Farm/Western Things party tonight and since we are in spending a little time in Wyoming working on our Dirt Ranch hopefully soon to be our new home when we retire, I thought this was perfect timing to post a few pictures of Wyoming...
Wild Mustangs in the Pryor Mountains (Montana but only a few miles north of us)...
A 'small' cattle drive that happen past our place...
An old hand made hay feeder that came with the place....
Buffalo skull....
Part of our fence with the Big Horn Mountains in the background...
Old hand made, from way back, corral gates...
if you can see up close they used old horse shoes as latches...

And last but not least....a Wyoming sunset...

Funky Junk Interiors for Saturday Night Special Barn/Farm/Western Things

Thanks for stopping!!


  1. Meine Guete ist das schoen dort - so stelle ich mir Romantik pur vor. Danke fuer diese schoenen Eindruecke

  2. Phew it took me an old age to figure out the de-select of that sign in box in order to leave a comment until i shouted help and blogland rescued me!

    Just adore that sunset picture. Beautiful!


  3. Wow...what a stunning sunset! You are one lucky girl!

  4. I like Wyoming, we've been in some parts and Jackson Hole is one of our favorite towns, I hope you enjoy your ranch a lot when you retire, there is nothing like ranch living!
    Have a lovely week!
    XXX Ido

  5. I'm so jealous! I love it out there in Wyoming.
    Julie Rose (Ontario, Canada)


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