
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Vintage Department Store Window Decorating

Do some of you remember the windows of the department stores from years ago? Especially at Christmas? 

For those of you who are too young, they went all out on decorating the windows and everyone went downtown at night to view the beautifully decorated windows full of all the latest toys. My memories are from the late 50's and early 60's.

It was magical and if the snow was falling, all the better!

Can you see the Shirley temple doll to the far right? 

And a view from above with the old 1920's I'm not that old but I do love these old cars....
Notice the Christmas trees all lined up on the ledge of the building.

All 4 images are of the old Dayton's Department store in downtown Minneapolis, Minnesota.

How about a new fox stole for Christmas?

 And my favorite...the 1920's wedding dresses...notice the brides dress middle right!

Reminds me of that beautiful 1920's wedding dress that I found late this summer at the yard sale. Could she have seen it in a window and said "that is the dress I want for my wedding!"

All the pictures above were from this link. Mr. Wild brought home the article out of the Minneapolis Star and Tribune.

My awesome find this summer...the 1920's wedding dress...If you missed it...more about my post here.

Thanks for stopping!
Linking to;
Faded Charm for White Wednesday
Savvy Southern Style for Wow Us Wednesday
The Brambleberry Cottage for Time Travel Thursday
Common Ground for Vintage Inspiration Friday
2805 for Potpourri Friday
French Country Cottage for Feathered Nest Friday
The Charm of Home for Home Sweet Home


  1. love this post!

    I lived in a small town, but still loved the windows at christmas. My mom grew up in Detroit and use to tell me about the windows and shopping at Hudson's Dept. store.
    When I moved to St Louis I loved going to see the windows at Famous Barr, now Macys.

  2. I LOVED Dayton's windows :) Sure miss them!
    Thanks for the memory!

  3. That dress is amazing. I had to go back and look at your older post about it. Gorgeous and maybe a little bit trendy for that time? I'm not sure I've ever seen a shorter dress except for the 1960's. I love those pictures of the Christmas windows. When I first moved to Columbus one of the downtown stores used to go all out for their window displays.

  4. I really enjoy seeing the pictures of the old store windows...I'd love to be there back in the day...even for just a minute!

  5. Oh, the good old days. I remember the post about your dress, so special!

  6. Fun post Faye!! And that wedding dress was a fantastic find!!
    Hope you're having a lovely week so far!! :o)

  7. Great post Faye! I do remember windows that were special.

  8. I remember looking at Christmas displays as a child. It was always such a treat. Thanks for the stroll down memory lane. Great wedding dress.

  9. Wouldn't it be wonderful to go back in time and stroll that avenue peeking in the windows?!

    Great post Faye!

  10. Thanks so much for the awesome post...I totally remember going downtown Seattle in the 50's and 60's looking in the the Frederick and Nelson windows! Thanks for the ride down memory lane!

  11. Great Post! I remember when window dressing seemed to stir imagination and reflect the seasons. I'm not that old but old enough. Pat

  12. Wonderful snippets of the past, Faye! The department store displays of "days of old" WERE something to behold, weren't they?

    Be sure to stop by Time Travel Thursday tonight, and see yourself featured. ;)

    Liz @ The Brambleberry Cottage

  13. Really cool old pictures. How wonderful for all of us to see. Thanks for sharing.

  14. Wonderful post! I loved looking at the vintage photos. I grew up in a small town, but some of downtown shops would decorate their windows for Christmas, but it wasn't like the big cities, of course. Love this.
    Hugs, Cindy

  15. What precious scenes from the past! I remember the shops being decorated downtown, when I was a child, and that was just back in the 1970s, but I remember being in awe of them, especially the Christmas Windows...I thought it was the neatest thing and loved looking at them ...who'd have thought things would change so much over the years?! Thanks for sharing these photos. Hope you have a wonderful holiday season :)
    Big hugs,

  16. Times gone by. The vintage images from the past are really unique and from a time when window dressing was an art. The vintage wedding dress you found was really gorgeous! Thank you for sharing these lovely images with Potpourri Friday!

  17. Thank you for joining me at Home Sweet Home!


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