
Tuesday, December 6, 2011

How about a little glitter on those bottle brush trees!

 This is what makes blogging so much fun! The friendly people we meet!

I was so surprised one day last week to find an email from Diane in Wisconsin.
She had seen my post about bleaching bottle brush trees and she decided to not only bleach them but she went further and added glitter.

Diane also got really creative on the bases...this is an old porcelain light fixture...

She used old milk glass jars and added sheet music and string...

And for the wee little trees she used tinker toys!!! How clever!

 Now for the 'How To'...

Diane said after the trees were bleached and dried she brushed them with watered down glue and then sprinkled them with glitter!

So easy! Now I need to do this too. Just think, you could use any color glitter if you wanted pink trees or blue trees...the colors are endless!

Thanks Diane for sending the pictures and how to do it! When you decide to get into the blogging world, let me know and I'll be your first follower!

As for me...I'm in sunny southern Arizona for 2 weeks and almost freezing...who turned off the heat here!!!! Or is it because of all the frozen snow birds coming here cooling it off. At least there is endless sun, very clear blue skies and no snow.
I'm getting my dad's little winter house all set so he can stay here until spring.

And so far, one Christmas decoration that I made a few years ago.

Linking to;
Faded Charm for White Wednesday
Ivy and Elephants for What's It Wednesday
Savvy Southern Style for Wow Us Wednesdays
The Brambleberry Cottage for Time Travel Thursday
From My Front Porch to Yours for Treasure Hunt Thursday
Common Ground for Vintage Inspiration Friday
The Charm of Home for Home Sweet Home
French Country Cottage for Feathered Nest Friday
My Romantic Home for Show and Tell Friday


  1. Faye - thanks so much for the shout out... I am flattered!

  2. Love the bottle brush trees! And the glitter is fabulous!

    Lou Cinda

  3. Ich finde diese Bäumchen einfach genial - schade, dass es diese Bäumchen nicht bei uns in Deutschland gibt - hab eine schoene Weihnachtszeit

  4. Those tinker toy trees are awesome. I never know what to do with the little itty bitty ones. Great ideas.

  5. Hello Faye... those little trees are just beautiful!... I am partying with Patti and Paula too and hopped over from Ivy and Elephants... also signing on as your newest follower... xoxo Julie Marie

  6. What cute little trees. I like the idea of using different glitter colors. Oh, I wish I had a winter house to stay at until spring! Brrrr, it's cold here!

  7. Love your cute cactus tree....decorated!

  8. The bottle brush trees are stunning.. I have never heard of bleaching them..may give it a try.

  9. Such charming trees! Hope you have a great time in AZ!

  10. Love those bottle brush trees. Very cute ways to display them.

    I live in the AZ desert and have been wondering who turned off the heat,! It was 32* this morning...brrrrrrr!

  11. Like the bottle brush trees, they came out great. We had 30 degrees and snow so it could be worse, enjoy the sunshine! Laura

  12. Absolutely Adorable!Loves these Trees! Love all of the different bases for them.
    Thank you for Sharing!
    Visiting from White Wednesday!
    Have a Wonderful Day!
    Warm Regards

  13. What great ideas for bases on those bottle brush trees!!
    Have fun in AZ, Faye!!!

  14. Great ideas on taking those bottle brush trees to the next level!!!

  15. Hi Faye...these look so great! I am planning to make some this summer for next holiday season in my booth!

  16. how absolutely divine and how clever of you .. these look awesome .. hugz x

  17. The trees are beautiful and so creative! I must say Arizona has the bluest skies! My niece lives there and I'm always so amazed by the deep blue sky when I visit her.

  18. Diane's trees are so pretty. And, the bases are so clever. Thanks for sharing her work with us.

  19. The use of the tinker toy is my favorite! so clever...ooxx, tracie

  20. Darling bottle brush trees. I love the Tinker Toy bases on the tiny ones and a little sparkle is always a good thing.

  21. Very clever! The new little bases are great too. Thanks for sharing this idea.

  22. What a lovely idea this is!!
    I've just discovered your blog Faye and I think I am in love with it!


  23. Those are beautiful and I love all the different bases.


  24. Diane did do a fabulous job with her Bottlebrush Tree Creations... I Love them all and have been Inspired by your ideas and hers.

    Christmas Blessings from the Arizona Desert outside of Phoenix... Dawn... The Bohemian

  25. I think the choices for the bases of the bottle brush trees are quite imaginative - especially the tinker toys. ;)

    Thanks for linking to Time Travel Thursday. Hope to see you again this week.

    Liz @ The Brambleberry Cottage


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