We went shopping at Auntie Q's Antique shop last Saturday in Cody Wyoming and this is what I bought!
I've wanted a really neat architectural piece for ages but never see just the right piece and I drool over all the pretty ones I see on everyone's blogs.
I spotted this one and I knew it was a match made in heaven!!!
The shop owner told me it came from a porch in Missouri and this was the last piece.
It was one of the sides of the porch.
That is 'authentic' Wyoming dirt and weeds in the background...LOL!

They sure don't make wood trim with such detail anymore. I love the scrolls, the points and the round ball at the bottom of it all.

Now....which side do I hang facing out?
This side with more chippy white paint OR....
....this side with less chippy white paint?
At first when I found this I liked this side the best. Now that I have it here I think I like the side with more white chippy paint!
Whichever I decide....I'm so happy I gave in and bought it. Sometimes it's better to buy one big item than a lot of little items....this is all I bought that day and I'm soooo glad I did!
(This is my birthday present to me...it's my birthday today and sometimes that's the only way you get what you really want!!!)
Thanks again to
Faded Charm for another White Wednesday!